Why Donate?
Every donation helps ensure that we can continue helping our country’s horses.
Every Donation Means Everything to the horses!
Every Donation can help save a horses life!
As with most non-profit horse rescues
the number of wonderful animals we are able to help depends so much on our budget.
With your continued support means we can continue to grow
and expand our provisions
as well as clean housing that we provide for the horses year round.
Every single donation helps ensure that Iron Gait can continue helping our countries draft horses from abuse, neglect, abandonment, slaughter, or victims of the current economy.
As Iron Gait has lent a helping hand to ALL horses through the past several years.
We have now begun concentrating mainly to help Draft horses with significant medical and emotional issues. This means obtaining any veterinary, farrier or chiropractic care needed to help provide them with a comfortable life, one that they might not otherwise receive.
There are so many out there ready to be sent to an auction
because the owners do not want the hassle of the rehabbing process.
So many out there that need our help!
Knowing there are a lot of other ways you could have
spent this money, but
you believe in our cause so you chose to invest it in our project of helping as many horses as possible.
Because of this generous investment, we here at IGP want you to feel like part of our team.
We’re in this together.
We want our success in helping the horses to also be your success in helping horses.
As always, thank you for your past,
present and future support
With gratitude,
IGP Team